Mora na Filosofia: uma experiência de multiletramentos no curso de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão
This study examines whether the multiliteracies event featured interactive, collaborative, mestizos (languages, modes, media and culture) (ROJO, 2012) can alleviate difficulties in reading and writing, seeking an ally in technology. Therefore, it was discussed the concept of literacy and its extension. The wider objective was to understand and examine how the undergraduate students of the Philosophy Course at distance of State University of Maranhão (UEMA) were appropriating of technology and languages. The multiliteracies focus the cultural diversity of populations and semiotic multiplicity of constitution of the texts by which it informs and communicates (ROJO, 2012). In approach them, it was found how they occur and develop with a group of students, how are constituted and/or expand their repertoires (linguistics and philosophicals) by participation in such events. In this sense, it were discussed philosophical issues through music, which allowed multiple manifestations and languages (Poetic, musical, imagery, theatrical) observed, also, from the discursive performance and rhetoric of the students, even in unfavorable environments and conditions to study. The main authors, in which the theoretical substantiation of this work is based are Rojo (2012), Kleiman (2009) and Street (2014). The methodology adopted in this work was backed into a qualitative, interpretative and exploratory approach. This procedure allowed investigate the development of actions of students revealing fluency in writing and contextualization of theoretical and philosophical knowledge with reality, the learning of new terms and development of the language for change of attitude before the technology.Nenhuma