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dc.contributor.advisorCorsetti, Berenice
dc.contributor.authorWaismann, Moisés
dc.description.abstractThis study develops the theme of public policy for higher education, aiming at understanding the best way that public policies are developed and thought, especially educational policies for this level of education, as well as analyzes the impact of these policies. The research proposed seeks to contribute to the area of economics of education from sources that use especially the Higher Education Census provided by INEP, through which was possible a specific reflection on the theme of the study, in order to acknowledge that, from the data shown, and from real developments of the Higher Education Market. It was considered the implementation of educational policies developed through the influence of the guidelines of international organizations, particularly the World Bank. The research focused in understanding the influence of these guidelines, in the increasing process of higher education in Brazil, with the implementation of LDB/ 1996, as well as observes the effects of this Law in the higher education system. The aim is to investigate the causes and how the process were handled predominantly from the World Bank in developing the public policies for higher education, as well as checking what the results of this influence in higher education indicators in order to notice the changes that occurred in the higher education market. The study is geographically based in Brazil during 1995 to 2010, becoming a research of qualitative and quantitative documents. The documents of the World Bank (1995) were the base, more specifically the document “La enseñanza superior: las lecciones derivadas de La experiencia”, the Law of Guidelines and Basis of Brazilian Education (BRAZIL, 1996) and the Higher Education Census. I t was used as key variables for the research, the number of Higher Education Institutions (IES), enrollments, graduates, faculty, full time faculty, professors with Master degree and PhD, and as secondary variables, the GPD, the amount of connections with higher education, and their average pay and teachers. On research we found that since the beginning of the period studied the private HEIs are the majority of schools and also that the vast majority of HEIs are non-private university. It was also observed that enrollments grow more than the growing number of HEIs in private education, and that the those have a much higher performance than GDP growth in the same period. One can also observe that professors, even though they are more prepared and with a larger number of students, earn 24% less, in real terms in 2010 than in 1995. Furthermore it was found out that a greater amount of graduates results in more workers with higher education employed in the formal labor market, and this higher qualification available in the market does not result in higher wages, opposite this is reduced by 27% during the studied period. It was noticed by the indicators that the guidelines issued by the World Bank have been applied in the field of higher education, which has resulted in an expansion of the sector that was suited to formulations that multinational agency.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectBanco mundialpt_BR
dc.subjectWorld banken
dc.titleO Banco Mundial e as políticas públicas para o ensino superior no Brasil: um estudo a partir dos dados do INEP (1995- 2010)pt_BR

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