A distribuição de riqueza ao capital e ao trabalho em entidades brasileiras por meio da demonstração do valor adicionado – DVA – no período de 2008 a 2012, São Leopoldo – RS
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the generation and distribution of added value produced by Brazilian entities from 2008 to 2012, to the groups involved in its creation: Capital, including third-party capital and the entities’ own one; and Work, shown in the Value Added Statement (VAS). Fifty companies, from seventeen different sectors, present in the Exame Melhores e Maiores magazine, 2012 edition, were selected for this purpose. The researched applied both quantitative and qualitative methodology in order to approach and answer the question: How have the generation and distribution of added value to capital (including third-party and own), and to work behaved, between 2008 and 2012, in Brazilian open capital entities? The level of added value generation in the analyzed entities has oscillated, showing the biggest variation in the Service sector, with an average of 73% of revenue turned into added value – and the smallest variation in the Chemical and Petrochemical sector with 13%, resulting in a difference of 60% between the two sectors. Regarding workforce, these companies employ an average of 1.187.337 people yearly, with an increase of 32% in the period. That explains the growing participation of employees in the added value generated. Those people are part of wealth generation, translated into R$428 billion a year, meaning an average added value of R$360 thousand per capita. The companies in the sample have channelized more added value to capital, however the share destined to workers have risen in a more steadily way, reducing the historical difference. 32 from the 50 analyzed entities have addressed more added value to capital, whereas 18 of them, to workers. Among the 17 sectors, only 4 have given more to their employees. With the findings from this research it is possible to conclude that VAS is a suitable instrument for analyzing and comparing the distribution of added value between working agents and the capital.Nenhuma