Convergência de Normas Contábeis no MERCOSUL e na Comunidade Andina: um estudo em empresas industriais de capital aberto
The present study investigates the level of accounting convergence practices in businesses in the countries of Mercosul and the Andean community. Departing from a theoretical basis in which we have identified the current stage of use of the International Accounting Standards in countries from these two economical segments, it was possible to compare the convergence regulations with the accounting practices. To do so, we have analyzed the measurement and the disclosure of main assets in 30 companies in these South American countries. This countries were sampled by intentionality criterion and accessibility, the data was acquired from the web pages of national entities in charge of controlling the capital markets in each of the sampled countries. The collected data was submitted to descriptive analysis and summary maps were made concerning the accounting practices of the companies in each country in what concerns the measurement and disclosure of the following assets: accounts receivable (revenue) stocks, investment, intangibles and fixed assets. The analysis carried out, made it possible to identify the current stage of convergence concerning regulations and accounting practices in these countries. It was verified that accounting practices are very different in the countries sampled. While in some countries we found almost total convergence with the accounting practices issued by the IASB, in some others this process was somewhat distant. It was also observed that the adoption of International regulations does not mean convergence in practice. Finally we observed that there is a long way for the accounting practices of the Mercosul countries and Andean Community to be harmonized, and converge with the internationally accepted accounting standards.URCAMP - Universidade da Região da Campanha