Partido Libetador: formação e atuação política
This dissertation, with the time frame the interval between 1945 and 1964, studies the Liberator Party in the electoral process and in Parliament Gaucho aiming to analyze a party in such action policy and draw your profile polítco-ideological. In view of the importance of political practice, especially for the understanding of the operation of the PL as political opposition to trabalhismo, emphasis was given to the juncture of the end of the 1950 and the early 60. The text is divided into five chapters. The first, seeking the origins of the Libertador (PL) in the period monárquico and the First Republic, according to a party that is heir to the traditions of the old maragatos struggles. The second chapter deals with the reorganization party in the country after the fall of the New State, which is refundado process in the PL. The third chapter examines the behavior and performance of the PL in the electoral process at all levels, between 1945 and 1963. The fourth chapter shows the political action of the Members of the PL in the state Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul in the period between February 1959 to August 1961, which includes the period beginning of the Government Brizola in Rio Grande do Sul by the Movement of Legality. The fifth chapter, also shows the political action of the Members of the party in the state Legislative Assembly, however, between September 1961 to April 1964 period marked by the context of intense social mobilization and political radicalization. For the completion of the search, were used, in addition to the bibliographic material, the election results of TRE / RS and Anais the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio Grande do Sul.Nenhuma