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dc.contributor.advisorCopetti, Jacqueline Biancon
dc.contributor.authorSouza, Ronaldo Bueno de
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the study of a cooling system for absorption assisted by solar energy with a view to be used in the cooling of an ecotourism lodge located in a remote location, devoid of connection to the grid. To study the proposed system was used TRNSYS simulation software, where in an initial work step of comparing software results with the results of mathematical models of the components of the refrigeration system is performed. A computer model was developed to perform simulations slot which simulated three configurations absorption refrigeration systems and can therefore determine the influence of the components and system parameters used in the auxiliary power usage and meet the thermal load. The first model is made up of a system where the water heated by the solar thermal collector and is stored in a thermal storage tank, being the same used for feeding the absorption chiller. The chilled water produced by the chiller is stored in another thermal reservoir where it is available for consumption. In this model it is observed that with the use of 120 m² evacuated tube collectors comes to fuel consumption attendance rates of over 87 %. The second model is similar to the first, with the inclusion of an auxiliary heater to supply water from the absorption chiller. In this model we found that with the use of 120 m² of flat plate collectors comes to an auxiliary power consumption of less than 195 GJ, and with the use of 120 m² evacuated tube collectors we arrive at a consumption of auxiliary power less than 150 GJ. The third model is similar to the second, which was added to a system using the cooling water from absorption chiller for use in the consumption of hot water for baths, showers on. In this model, it is observed that the use of the cooling water does not affect the auxiliary power consumption compared with the consumption of the second model.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCYTED - Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollopt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleSimulação de um sistema de refrigeração por absorção com energia solar térmica para locais isoladospt_BR

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