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dc.contributor.advisorFabris, Elí Terezinha Henn
dc.contributor.authorBrodbeck, Cristiane Fensterseifer
dc.description.abstractThis thesis investigates the deployment of teaching science in the initiation process of teaching in the Biological Sciences Subproject, Pibid- UNISINOS, attached to the Institucional Program “Teaching Iniciation” of Pibid/CAPES. The questions that guide this research are: how to shape teaching science in the beginning of the teaching process? What truth´s about teaching sustain the initiation practices to teaching science? The work is based on the theoretical and methodological perspective of Foucault's studies and education studies, which provide us tools for the questioning of education in neoliberal governmentality in the present-day. The empirical data of this study consists mainly of the products developed by the schools, on the undertaken practices, wich are part of the annual´s Subproject reports from 2010 to 2013. It was made an discursive analysis of empirical data using mainly teaching concepts, governmentality and neoliberalism. This analysis enabled us to identify truths that mobilize practices developed by scholarship students in the deployment of teaching science. Among them are: the concern for the school reality; the discussion of this reality and the power of those naturalize criticism mainly about teachers and their so-called traditional way of teaching, and the belief in redemption practices and the attempt to save the school of their failure and poor quality. These truths and practices are produced by large-scale assessments, by the media and often by the university itself. In a neoliberal regime, in which the imperative is innovation, there is no discussion by the trainees of the development of practices considered by them, innovative. I present, as action technological key´s, the neoliberal governmentality, as government technology, and innovation of teaching, as educational technology. The thesis I defend is that the initiation to teaching developed in the Subproject can be read as the expression of a Pedagogy of Redemption. This pedagogy presents features of a critical pedagogies and a psychological pedagogies, producing future teachers who are subjectivized as "super scholarship students" and are put in a school for the battle of redemption. Specific knowledge of science and biology are reduced, and are enhanced powerful actions outside of the classroom, marked by activities, the playfulness and innovation. The analysis shows how is produced and sustained the “Pedagogy of Redemption” in this Program.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleDocência em ciências nas práticas pibidianas do subprojeto biologia e a fabricação de uma pedagogia da redençãopt_BR

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