Cyberqueer: performances de gênero e mobilização de traços identitários na construção da narrativa da personagem Katylene no blog e no Twitter
This study is an analysis of the performances carried out by character Katylene Beezmarcky on the eponymous blog and on Twitter. Thus, the study approaches the new technologies as devices that reconfigure the gender performances in contemporaneity. Also, think up communication technologies as ways of mobilizing cultural traits of different groups as a strategy to build a narrative of self in cyberspace. The objective is to observe the uses of different communication platforms (blog and Twitter) by blogger Daniel Carvalho for creating the transvestite character, contextualizing the popularization of character in a contradictory context of great homophobia characteristic of Brazil. The research seeks to articulate notions of gender performativity and matrix heterosexist norms, referring to queer theory, with studies on digital technologies and computer-mediated communication, cyberculture. In developing of the survey, firstly, discusses the socio-cultural notions with regard to genders, sexualities and sexes, then it is considered three key moments of cultural studies of gender: those who sought to explain the submission of women, those who relativize notions hitherto constructed and queer theory. Thus, by adopting a queer perspective, deconstructs the essentialist notion of gender and explain the gender performativity and how this will bring an heteronormative matrix. In a second step, some considerations are made about cyberculture and its implications in the construction of identities in contemporary times. To then approach the object of study so based on Grounded Theory. Thus, identified strategies and uses of online platforms as gender performances and mobilization of identity traits in the construction of a narrative of the studied character. It is perceived that the character has a close relationship with the spaces propitiated by the internet, using much of the material available online. Furthermore, it sets itself up as a trans character of the universe, but not in the same way, Katylene extrapolates becoming something like the stereotype of transvestite.Nenhuma