Midiatização e contexto rural: análise dos usos e apropriações de dispositivos midiáticos em comunidades da Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, Acre
This research studies the constitution of midiatizacion process in three communities of the Chico Mendes extractive reserve: seringal Floresta (municipality of Xapuri) and seringais Porvir e Filipinas (municipality of Brasileia) in Acre. Investigates individual and collective experiences in the perspective of midiatizacion, taking into consideration the presence of different mediations in the process. In this joint between midiatizacion, country manand mediations we seek to understand how the extraction workersare enrolled in mediacomunication device and join in the media supply circuits and how this relationship constitutes communication processes and social interactions. As a result of the study it was evidenced that the uses and appropriations in media devices to develop deeply marked by determinations that are outdated by new interactive references that it´s build, influencing the social relations. At the intersection of these processes we identify a peripheral midiatizacion formats.Embrapa - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária