Traços de carnavalização na instauração do humor em A farsa da boa preguiça, de Ariano Suassuna
This dissertation investigates the ways of establishment of the humor in the carnavalized literature, according to Bakhtin, in A cultura popular na Idade Média e no Renascimento: o contexto de François Rabelais (2008a), in order to uncover ways in which the humor emerges in the work A Farsa da Boa Preguiça, from Ariano Suassuna (2008), and under what conditions promote the individualization of the traits of carnavalization within it. We sought to understand the humor in the classic study of Freud (1977, 1996) and in linguistic studies Possenti (1998), França (2006) and Ducrot (1988), whose theory polyphonic humor is approached as an example and brought under the view that, in the humorous utterance, there is the presence of an absurd point of view that is not assigned to the announcer. The theoretical references guided the construction of categories of analysis, a process of constant relationship with the book. In this process, each concept, although participates of the group, loses its identity, in other words, acquires traits of the act of enunciation, that implies the uniqueness of the work and of the researcher. The study confirms that the carnavalized humor in A Farsa da Boa Preguiça, from Suassuna, occurs in a unique way, by the incorporation of traits of the production situation of the work and of the worldview of the author.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior