dc.description.abstract | The stratigraphic framework of Early Permian sedimentation was constructed from the analyses of drillholes with drillcore recovery and geophysical profile. Five stratigraphic sections were developed in order to reach the whole study area, using as datum a radioactive peak existing in the interior of the Upper Iruí coal layer, and, when it is absent, in the pelitic lithologies laterally correlated. Maps of facies association were also built in order to represent, from top, the depositional pattern of the main stratigraphic level. In the sections, the sedimentary facies were spatially correlated and the main stratigraphic surfaces that boundary the sequences and/or the system tracts were identified. The Early Permian sequence corresponds to a great second order transgressive event, named as Central Iruí Depositional Sequence, subdivided in two third order depositional sequences separated by a subaerial unconformity. When analyzed in more detail, in fourth order, the sequence 1 is made up by three sequences, while sequence 2 is represented by two sequences. The evolution of the plain deposits behind the barrier is related to the development of strandplain, built by the longshore current, that capture the bay areas, generating lagoon systems behind the barrier. In the barrier itself, the sediments are reworked by waves and directed by the longshore current, that deposits the materials along the shore. Lens-shaped sand bodies generated by tide currents are intercalated to strandplain, generating features that are named here as estuarine embayment. The embayments show little area extension and are distributed parallel to the paleo-shore lines. In general, the foreshore and shoreface deposits show the Ichnofacies Skolithos and the transition to offshore deposits, the Ichnofacies Cruziana. Yet, the estuarine deposits contain both the Skolithos and the Cruziana, however with poor ichnogenres and indications of environmental stress. | en |