A reparação do dano como protagonista no Direito penal ambiental: o caráter de ultima ratio, subsidiariedade e fragmentariedade, São Leopoldo - RS
This work aims a development of a new way of facing the ecological criminality through the effective and integral of damage repair. Will be examinated, initially, the contours of the contemporary society, detaching the assumption of the risk as a nuclear element of the social organization and the peculiar dynamics that with it is assumed, the expansive process of the criminal guardianship and the acclaimed protection of the environment. Posteriorly, will be traced, in general lines, the ecological awakening, the answers found by the State in terms of protection, through the constant promulgation of ecological laws, redundant in the protection through the Criminal Law, so as the legitimation fundaments that authorizes the criminal sanctioning, aiming a true joint analysis of the environment protection and the criminal guardianship with the necessity of this last to protect that one. The study also intends to examine the new approach assumed by the damage repair in terms of the Environmental Criminal Law, that assumes a remedial bias, through the rediscovering of the victim, fulfilling with the primordials objectives searched in the preservation and protection of the environment, influencing the punishment in terms of a development of a new rationality about an environment protection context.Nenhuma