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dc.contributor.advisorMarocco, Beatriz Alcaraz
dc.contributor.authorLima, Nilsângela Cardoso
dc.description.abstractThis thesis, “Power Relations and Journalistic Practices in The Day Journal, The City Journal and Piauí Journal (1951-1954 )”, discusses journalistic practices and institutions in Teresina , during this period. In the history of the Brazilian press, there is a significant number of media used by politicians. Even in the 1950s , when the press was in the process of transition from journalism tradition/opinionated and doctrine for the modern/objective and informative journalism, many newspapers continued to be created by politicians, to be a marketing tool of the party and fighting against opponents. In Teresina, so The Day Journal, The City Journal and Journal of Piauí, all founded in 1951, by maintaining close links with political parties, groups and political factions were institutionalized in accordance with the interests of those politicians; and in practice, played a journalism/political partisan leanings. Based on this context, outlines is the goal of this thesis, which has the interest to understand the power relations and journalistic practices in newspapers of Teresina in the period from 1951 to 1954, when Pedro Freitas was governor of the state of Piauí by PSD. Through empirical research and the theoretical framework of discourse analysis and journalism makes it a historical approach to the emergence of newspapers Day, The City and Journal of Piauí and a discussion of the duties and mission of the press Teresina, at a time when journalists attempted to define the boundaries of the field, by requiring a specific set of standards of conduct and the existence of the code of ethics to regulate the profession. Thus, by virtue of the newspapers keep tuned editorial lines with different political parties, it is an analysis of the discursive battle waged by newspapers, The Day, The City and Journal of Piauí, around the image of Governor Pedro Freitas and representation political period in which the government of Piauí was under his administration. To this end, we sought to understand the system of rules that organized the camp stated that materialized appeared in editions of these newspapers and circulated in Teresina in the aforementioned period.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleRelações de poder e práticas jornalísticas em o dia, a cidade e jornal do Piauí (1951 a 1954)pt_BR

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