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dc.contributor.advisorRibeiro, Darci Guimarães
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Paulo Junior Trindade dos
dc.description.abstractThe theme is the creation of Judicial Activism and the Law: through the Interpretative route. The problem that reflects demonstrates how the judiciary is legitimized for the creation of law, since the production of the law was only applicable to the legislative branch. Thus, the Structure and Functions of the State will be evaluated, so that appropriate activity for judicial creation of law (always paying attention to the binomial inertia-activism). In this sense, it is crucial to present the transformation of Liberal State of law to the Democratic State of Law, because only with the organization of the powers of the modern state we can speak clearly to Judicial Activism. On the inertia of the other branches, the judiciary had an active presence to society and to the construction and reconfiguration of the State apparatus.In the first chapter will be evidenced building of the State of Law and its assumptions, in the second chapter, will prove that the rigid technique of separation of powers was instituted in Liberal and Social State of Law, and in a second stage to present it will be the division of powers formed with the purpose of the power of judicial organs review under the actions of other branches. That done, it follows with regard to the strengthening of Constitutional Jurisdiction, in which at first it will prove its evolution, and in a second phase will be evaluated its contemporaryatic agaisnt Democratic State of Law. Finally, the defense of Democratic Legitimacy will present itself, always questioned. In the third and final section it will present the concepts and fundamentals of Judicial Activism, considering, be a term that is undefined and has found various conceptualizations. The Judicial Activism wins configuration of two distinct streams, namely, the proceduralist and substantialist. Thus, the Judicial Activism substantialist will defend itself, by means of creative interpretation of the law, so they do not have an authentic interpretation of the law. To do so, will seek to demonstrate that, with a philosophy of law, with the assistance of Legal Hermeneutics, you can make the creative construction of the Law through Judicial Activism most appropriate way for the creation of law. The fusion of two horizons, Legal Hermeneutics and creation of law, via Judicial, occurs in the following premise: to interpret is to apply, and apply it to create law and thus is justified in this paperen
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEstado de direitopt_BR
dc.subjectRule of lawen
dc.titleO ativismo judicial (?) e a criação do direito pela via da interpretação: as (possíveis) contribuições da filosofia no direitopt_BR

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