dc.description.abstract | This research is based on the concept of teaching as an occupation – instead of a gift – and it assumes that an appropriate training is necessary in the accomplishment of a work. The investigation has as its main goal analyzing which interactional elements, from a multimodal perspective, allow the description of the real/concrete work of training-teachers to observe the emergency of a teaching competence. In order to accomplish this goal, four writing lessons of two trainingteachers were video recorded. The training-teachers were undergrad students, taking Languages (Letras) at a private university in the Southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, and the recorded lessons were part of their Portuguese teaching practice in the Supervised Curricular Teacher Training. These recordings were transcribed for the analysis of interaction between teacher and students, in events of task formulation and content exposition. An integrated analysis concerning the discourse elements (BRONCKART, 2003; MACHADO e BRONCKART, 2009), gesture (KENDON, 2004) and talk in interaction sequence took place, supporting a multimodal analysis. The most remarkable results of this study are concentrated in three main aspects: (i) presenting a preliminary methodology for analyzing the real/concrete work in a multimodal perspective for the ISD (Sociodiscursive Interactionism) theory; (ii) reflecting about a dynamic concept of professional teaching competence considered as a process in a constant in (re)construction; and (iii) motivating the reflection of the teacher training as a teaching practice in a different standard from what is offered by the licensing courses nowadays. The first result came from an epistemological crossing between two theories: the ISD (BRONCKART, 2003, 2006, 2008), which proposes an analysis of language as a social action; and the Interactional Sociolinguistics, which previews a perspective of an interaction analysis as a social practice. This crossing enabled the incorporation of new elements for interaction analysis in the ISD perspective – developed mostly in the textual/discursive level. This possibility seems feasible according to Vytgotsky’s (1939/2005) studies that consider teaching/students interactions as an instrument, which changes the thought development – occasioning an action change. In the real/concrete work analysis (GUIMARÃES, DREY e CARNIN, 2011), the focus was checking the concrete professional action in the interaction, because it is believed that it constitutes teaching action. The multimodal analysis presented results, which lead to the second point: the teaching professional competence as a dynamic process (BULEA, 2007; 2011) – instituted in the action and taking into account the teaching knowledge theory develorelacped by Tardif (2002). Conclusions pointed out that the real/concrete work analysis under the multimodal perspective can be decisive in the sense of revealing a wider range of interactional elements that allow the inference of a teaching competence qualified as a process in constant (re)construction, meaning a lever of reflections needed for the changings in the proposed teaching practices used, nowadays, in licensing undergrad courses. | en |