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dc.contributor.advisorWerle, Flávia Obino Corrêa
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Almir Paulo dos
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to identify how democratic management and the National Evaluation System (Sistema Nacional de Avaliação) are expressed in the texts of the Teaching Municipal System (Sistema Municipal de Ensino – SME) laws, from the Santa Catarina State, and to describe management practices in some municipal realities. The objectives of this study are: to build a data bank of the Santa Catarina State SMEs, to analyze and to interpret the legal texts, trying to identify, in this specific subject, the democratic management and the references to the National Evaluation System (Sistema Nacional de Avaliação), as well as identifying management practices related to evaluation in two cities and to evaluate the dimension of the democratic management which emerge from these practices. The research focus is on the laws that created the Teaching Municipal System, in Santa Catarina, and the management practices in two cities based on a large-scale evaluation. The study begins in the legal aspects of law creation of the Teaching Municipal Systems, as a documentary research. It also lists the subject expressed on the democratic management and large-scale evaluation, which is able to promote spaces of democratic management to the municipal Education. The empirical dimension involved a case study, within the Education Secretariat, interconnecting, whenever possible, to the context of disputes and reframe the school context, from the large-scale evaluations. The interviews, in the two cities, with the Education Secretaries and their directly involved assessors propitiated to identify the way the municipalities articulate their management practices, from the evaluations. The theoretical-methodological approach of the empirical corpus is the political cycle of Stephen Ball, which involves the context of the influency, the context of text production and the practice context. The methodology enables the articulation amongst different investigation spaces, from the SME Data Bank of laws and their official documents. The data collection was accomplished in two municipalities, with different IDEB results (2009), by means of semistructured interviews, in the level of the Municipal Education Secretariat. The study reveals that 7% of the 170 laws of the Teaching Municipal System do not refer to the democratic management, 71% are near the LDB/96 and 22% articulate, in their content, practices of democratic management. Regarding management practices, based on the evaluation of the two municipalities with different IDEB (2009) we identified that tha municipality with the 11 higher IDEB (2009) has a well organized Educacional Municipal System for years, materializing their actions and resulting in a satisfactory index for the Santa Catarina State. In the municipality with the lower IDEB (2009), the management was substituted many times, making it hard to materialize their practices. The theoretical grounding of Post-modernity aims to deconstruct the instrumental rationality, constituted in the Modernity, but we identified that both the laws of Teaching Municipal System creation and the context of management practices, based on the large-scale evaluations, still concentrate the reproductive and marketing influences. Finally, we detach that. When the practices are connected to the context of local Education, it evidences a better democratic management.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectGestão democráticapt_BR
dc.subjectDemocratic managementen
dc.titleGestão democrática nos sistemas municipais de ensino de Santa Catarina: implicações da avaliação em larga escalapt_BR

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