Definição do escopo de projeto de desenvolvimento de produtos alimentícios: uma proposta de método
The competition triggered by globalization and the pursuit of products that satisfy customers belong to the food industry. For that purpose, projects for product development are vital for companies in this segment, since in 2012 alone food companies were responsible for products that corresponded to 9.5% of Brazilian GDP and earned R$ 431,9 billion. The food segment has become the leader among transformation companies in terms of gross value. However, one can identify a significant number of product development projects that fail for several reasons: a) badly outlined scope; b) scope changes along the project; c) project cost increase; d) long project time. The literature concerning this theme presents some models for the development of food products. Yet, this literature does not focus on the definition of scope, thus reflecting the informality of this stage in this process. The research object of this investigation is the scope of projects in the development of products for the food industry. Unlike traditional science, this research is not restricted to describing, explaining and predicting the phenomenon on screen. This research advances towards proposing an artifact that best deals with the research object. Therefore, in order to carry out this study a Design Science Research has been used as a methodology guideline. As a result, an artifact has been proposed, in this particular, a method to define the scope of projects for product development in the food industry. The method proposed has been designed from the combination and refinement of some steps: a) bibliographical research; b) practical experience; c) research performed among experts in the sector of Research and Development of companies of the food industry. The method and its relevance for the food sector have been assessed by specialists, thus confirming that, for a proper definition of scope in product development of food products one needs a systematic, flexible, systemic-oriented, which increases the chances of success and reduces cost and project length. This study is intended to present a systematic method to define scope in the development of products in the food industry.Nenhuma