Bairro Moinhos de Vento: construindo identidades
This research aims to understand how the identity building process of the Moinhos de Vento neighborhood happens, once it is recognized as an urban area constituted of differentiated segments, all into a pattern of social interactions. The comprehension of the territory as a solidary knowledge field amplifies its creative potential - achieving beyond the physical formal boundaries. It is in this field that the imaginary processes emerge, so essential for the identities constitution. The study investigated the determinants factors and invisible relationships that may take influence in the growth and development of an identitary urban area. By the discoveries revealed from these investigations, the research adapts its objective of study to the one which perceives the neighborhood not as a static and inflexible object but as a reality that takes place during the interactions and criticism processes, always analyzed inside their contexts. This target could be achieved thanks to the transdisciplinary methodology chosen that allowed to visit several areas of knowledge during the research period, sharing experiences and challenging some of its own methodological concepts - which synthesis resulted in new learnings about the methodology itself and about the research object. It is by these paths and discoveries that it could be developed a new interpretation of the neighborhood as a possibility of contribution by the results of political discussions about the design and the management of urban areas.Nenhuma