Saberes propedêuticos e formação do bacharel em direito no Brasil: (re)pensando a educação jurídica a partir das percepções discentes e docentes
To study the law education in 21st century requires building new answers to the problems. The traditional adopted way to think the law and its teaching are not enough considering a world which lives in constant transformation. The demands of present time require a professional both able to think in an transdisciplinary way and able to face a context full of complexity, risks, paradoxes and contingencies. The ideal of certainty and legal security are no longer present today, requiring of the law professional the ability to reconnect knowledge. In this sense it is highlighted the relevance of contents called propaedeutic in the process of bachelor formation considering these bachelors have the role to promote an integrated, critic and reflexive vision about the legal and social phenomena. Despite of its importance, it is noticed that propaedeutic disciplines have little appreciation by students which tend to summarize the law education to the professional practice. From this proposition this paper will present the inclusion of these disciplines in the curricula of Brazilian law schools since its inception in 1827. Then it will search the profile of the students in the beginning and end of the course and what are their assessment of the propaedeutic disciplines. After, the study aims to identify the profile of the teachers who work in these disciplines and find what are their perception on the challenges of law education in this area. The contact with the faculty and students occurred through field research conducted in the Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis and in the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Finally it will approach the traditional teaching paradigm adopted by law schools and then will present some alternatives for teaching and learning process of propaedeutic contents.UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos