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dc.contributor.advisorTeixeira, Anderson Vichinkeski
dc.contributor.authorCosta, Anderson Sarmento da
dc.description.abstractThe considerations outlined in this study were scoped to demonstrate, from a general historical analysis of the State-Constitution-Process Theory, the evolution of the Law in various ways, with special attention to the role of the Courts. In current history, the judicial activity has provided numerous (and intense) debates by the legal community in order to apply the Constitution, objectify and achieve the fundamental rights, such as the reasonable conduction of the process and, more specifically, regarding the role of judicial decisions that are made. The research, in an objective and specific method, goes through the study of language, not just as a communication tool, but as a major factor and a supporter of own thinking and knowledge of humankind, which, fundamentally, is settled in the matrices of philosophy and hermeneutics. This implies that the Law is not simply what the interpreter wants in an isolated form (solipsistic), on the contrary, the proposal in this study is about the understanding of the Law in terms of integrity and consistency as the ones exposed by Ronald Dworkin. In other words, following some Lenio Luiz Streck`s ideas, there is no more room for subjectivity of the judge and, therefore, a hermeneutic understanding is necessary in order to have reasoned response from that (new) paradigm that is the democratic State based on the rule of law. Hence, the research goes through the interpretation of the Law, especially the achievements in the field of hermeneutic philosophy and philosophical hermeneutics, which have significantly contributed to the phenomenon of linguistic ontological turnaround. The former was recorded onto the legal hermeneutics, then. In the bureaucratic field, the minimum required is the guarantee of a procedure anchored in the prerogatives and constitutional principles, adapted to social reality, without putting aside the point of the decision reasons. Finally, based on the constitutional principle of democracy and fundamental rights, this paper highlights the need of a constitutional-hermeneutic filtering at the moment of decision for the effective and proper adjudication.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEstado de direitopt_BR
dc.subjectRule of lawen
dc.titleA fundamentação da decisão judicial sob à égide do estado constitucional brasileiro: uma compreensão hermenêutica e o papel do processo na construção democrática do(no) direitopt_BR

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