A negociação coletiva no ensino privado gaúcho: o olhar de um protagonista-gestor dos processos de negociação: 2004-2013
The present paper focus on the process of collective negotiation in the ‘gaucho’ private education area, more precisely between the Union of Private Schools in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - SINEPE/RS and the Teacher’s Union of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - SINPRO/RS in the period 1992 – 2013. As empirical data, it uses documents and other records filed at SINEPE, besides the memories of the writer taking into consideration his role along the time frame analyzed here. From the broader social and political context and, considering the scenario and the specific demands of each period of negotiation, with its tensions and agreements, the negotiation processes are verified, in other words, the management methods effected. In the analytical process some units of analyses were selected: The Negotiation period Time, Respect for Differences and Democratic Process. Making use of theoretical framework that deal with the subject, with special emphasis on the ideas of Clea Macagnan, we unfold considerations about the preparation and the role of negotiators, of the competence and leadership as well as the necessary care in face of political demands and power relations. Among the final considerations, we highlight the complexity of the negotiation process, as well as the importance of a leadership which acts in the democratic perspective, being the leadership credibility the nuclear question in conducting the process.Nenhuma