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dc.contributor.advisorFritsch, Rosangela
dc.contributor.authorOliveira, Andrea Silva de
dc.description.abstractEducacion is a continuous and permanent action that has undergone important changes in recent decades. Today's society, strongly marked by an economy that is based on the knowledge, presents an intense social dynamics with great influence of globalization and technology. With this context, the school becomes a place in which to meet these demands and at the same time form a conscious citizen, can even interfere to transform the environment they live in overcoming life's challenges. In this perspective, the director and his management team are the professionals who are responsible for the leadership and the organization of school work. The objective of this research was to understand how the school management and interferes or assists in educational quality. Was to study the locus State Preparatory High School CAIC Madezatti, in São Leopoldo / RS. The research is a qualitative approach, with a single case study, from a series of visitations to the institution, it is possible to rescue the history of the school, identify the elements indicative of quality in it and see how the management team deed the institution. As a result it was revealed that the quality of education offered by the CAIC Madezatti is strongly linked to how the policy team conducts the work, concerned to allow the faculty instrumentalizes students for life, seeking to form citizens aware of their role in society. With this focus also the school - which has no specific preparation for external evaluations in which it participates (like IDEB) - ends up having featured in the indexes. The management of the institution bears the imprint of a dynamic routine, with the figure of the director as the centerpiece, with its leadership and mediation other obvious factors.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectGestão escolarpt_BR
dc.subjectSchool managementen
dc.titleGestão escolar e indicativos de qualidade: o que podemos aprender com a Escola CAIC Madezatti, em São Leopoldo?pt_BR

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