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dc.contributor.advisorLeal, Sandra Maria Cezar
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Juciana Isabel da
dc.description.abstractThe indiscriminate use of Central Venous Catheter (CVC) in Intensive Care Units (ICU) may cause bloodstream infections, resulting in a search for strategies to qualify the assistance. The main point of this work is to analyse the steps taken in the process of Care of Pacient with Central Venous Catheter, willing to indetify potential failures and to propose actions of caring and permanent health education in order to prevent bloodstream infections in ICUs. The Failures and Effects Mode Analysis was used as a strategy to qualify the process of Care of Pacient with Central Venous Catheter and as a prevention to bloodstream infections in an ICU located in Caxias do Sul. The Evaluation Group (EG) was composed of nine nursing professionals that work at Caxias do Sul-RS ICUs. Data were collected in two parts: a) by the elaboration of a Central Venous Catheter Insertion and Maintenance Flux, according to this work guidelines; and b) by the EG analysis of the risk of all nonconformities, according to the Central Venous Catheter Insertion and Maintenance Flux and to the steps taken in the process of Care of the Pacient with Central Venous Catheter. To calculate the risk, it was necessary to identify the gravity (G), the occurrence probability (O) and the possibility of detection (D) for each evaluated item. This research was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of Vale do Rio dos Sinos University (UNISINOS) and by the Institution observed in this work. The main nonconformities pointed in this work were the lack of criteria when indicating CVC and the risks related to CVC’s barrier protection, insertion and maintenance. To solve these nonconformities, evaluated as of medium and high risk, proposals of intervention were created: the elaboration of three checklists; two standard operational procedures for the utilization and maintenance of the CVC; and a Permanent Health Education Program. The results show that it is necessary to use strategies promoting actions that may prevent the occurrence of potential failures on the process of Care of Patient with Central Venous Catheter, aiming for the prevention of bloodstream infection in ICUs.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectEducação permanente em saúdept_BR
dc.subjectPermanent educationen
dc.titleEstratégias para qualificar o cuidado de enfermagem na prevenção de infecção na corrente sanguíneapt_BR
dc.title.alternativeStrategies to qualify nursing care in infection prevention in current bloodpt_BR

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