Saberes da psicologia no currículo do curso de pedagogia: uma análise cultural
This dissertation is inserted in the Post-Structuralist Cultural Studies field, in order to investigate the meanings attributed to the knowledge of Psychology to the curriculum and teacher education in the Pedagogy course of UFPI, at Teresina campus. The data set was examined from the perspective of cultural analysis, through documental analysis of the last two curricular frameworks of the course, and plans of five compulsory classes of Psychology, having performed semi-structured interviews with ten graduates in early teaching career and with five professors from Pedagogy course. With the theoretical support of Stuart Hall (1997), Tomaz Tadeu da Silva (1999a, 1999b, 2007b), Alfredo Veiga-Neto (2002), Marisa Costa, Rosa Silveira & Luis Henrique Sommer (2003) and Maria Lúcia Wortmann (2007) – analyzing the concepts of curriculum and culture – and Diana Carvalho (2002), Nathália Carneiro (2010), Ana Sganderla & Diana Carvalho (2010), Priscila Larocca (1999, 2002a) and Lígia Vercelli (2008) – discussing relations between Pedagogy and Psychology, especially in teacher education – it was possible to analyze the ways Psychology contributed to set up the initial training in Pedagogy, as on of the sciences that guide this Graduation, creating conditions for sustaining the process of “psychologizing Pedagogy”. The research also analyzed the dissociation between theory and practice, structuring the training process, in a way that the theoretical formation in Psychology seems to be dissociated from the knowledge acquired by professional experience in Pedagogy, not responding to the needs of professional training that contemporaneity places to teachers.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior