Humanização em saúde: uma via de prazer e/ou sofrimento no trabalho dos técnicos de enfermagem?
Humanization is to value the different subjects involved in health production process, seeking autonomy and collective participation in improving the services, according to the National Policy on Humanization - PNH, established in 2003, after this construction, much has been discussed and reflected on the theme. Thus, this work came from a study that aimed to analyze the pleasure and mental suffering of nursing technicians by perception and application of humanized practice in their work. The research was an exploratory-descriptive qualitative design and was theoretically driven approach psychodynamics of work. The study was conducted in southern Brazil, and included the participation of six nursing techniques, aged between 26 and 52 years (M = 38, SD = 10.1), working in hospitals that performs service by SUS. Participants were selected from Snowball method. Data collection was conducted through semiestrutura interview and public documents analysis. The data generated in the study were subjected to content analysis and describe categories. The results obtained in this study were divided into two empirical articles that make up this thesis. The first section presents the article Humanization in Health: policy prescription to the technical work of the nursing reality. The results showed that health humanization is perceived by technical piecemeal, predominantly linked to patient care, which may be a result of lack of information on the subject. The nursing technicians reported that the love of the profession and empathy towards the patients are what drives the realization of a more humane care, where technique is the starting point for human stand out. From these results, it is concluded that the proposal of health humanization in practice, has been partially performed and only directed to patient care. The second section is the article Nursing Technicians: experiences of pleasure and suffering in search of a humanized care. Despite the suffering experiences excel, nursing technicians related pleased to recognition of the work by patient and verbal expression of thanks. As for the suffering experience stood out the work overload and lack of time in providing a more humanized care, the rivalry between colleagues, and the lack of recognition of the work the organization and leadership. As a coping strategy was identified using the good humor and the attempt to disconnect from work in the family environment. It follows that the humanization, in the nursing technician experience has generated suffering at work, since the organization of work does not allow the worker star in their interventions. Through the discussions presented in the articles could be considered that health humanization, as has been applied and enhanced by labor organizations, has intensified the suffering, and consequently the health problems because humanization is not restricted to politics, she be effective against the real confrontation of work.UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos