As anotações da “Pé no Barro”: o processo de produção da reportagem Invisíveis, publicada no jornal Diário Gaúcho
This dissertation aims to discuss the production process of the news report called Invisíveis (Invisible), published in the newspaper Diário Gaúcho between April 17th and April 19th, 2013. With the help of the Genetic Criticism mechanisms, I identify the construction of this reportage on the popular newspaper. To address the research question, I performed a genesis study using my own notes written in the aforementioned period, as well as part of the reports sent at the time to the publishers and the photographer involved, interview videos, e-mails exchanged with the editor responsible for the publication and excerpts of my personal journal. The decision of analyzing my own documents challenges me to the subjective duty of revising and reflecting on what I have done. Two authors inspired the present research. The first one is the historian Piero Brunello who, based on the analysis of the works of Russian doctor, playwright and writer Anton Chekhov – especially Sakhalin Island – wrote Um Bom Par de Sapatos, and How to Write Like Chekhov: Advice and Inspiration, Straight from His Own Letters and Work, a compilation of advices on how to write a news report. The second author is researcher Sandra Moura, who used genetic criticism to write the book Caco Barcellos: o repórter e o método. With this research, I intend to improve my techniques as a reporter, to contribute to the amplification of the studies of popular journalism and to foster further reflection in this field of research in communication.Nenhuma