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dc.contributor.advisorFischer, Beatriz Terezinha Daudt
dc.contributor.authorWeiduschadt, Patrícia
dc.description.abstractThis research intends to analyze O Pequeno Luterano, a printout produced with clear educational purposes and explicit doctrinaire perspective, constituting itself as one of the main pedagogical vehicles used by the Missouri Synod (Brazils Lutheran Church nowadays), in the period between 1930 and 1960. The periodical was characterized as an undertaking assigned to children aiming the formation of the future adult believer and gained great repercussion where it circulated. This study comprehends the periodical circulation in the southern area of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and takes support on testimonies and printed documents, especially the group of periodicals available to reading in different documentary collections, totalizing nearly 2.339 pages. The data analysis is supported on theoretical referentials of two authors: Roger Chartier regarding the printout appropriation, production and circulation and Michel de Certeau, considering the concepts of strategies (editors undertaking) and tactics (different ways of how readers borrow the propositions set by the editors). The operational procedure used consisted in process the content of each periodical and transfer it to a database adapted from a software originally created for other purposes. In this adaptation, it was constituted unities and sub unities of analysis. This research also relies on the memories of the subjects involved with the periodical during the period investigated. These testimonies were very useful to answer the original questions which started the investigation as well as those which emerged along the investigative path. Among the conclusions, its important to emphasize that the printout reinforced its legitimation by adopting the parochial school (and later, the Sunday school) locus, as well by proposing creative strategies planned and fulfilled in each period. Although religious and doctrinaire contents overlapped ludic contents, the ludic contents constituted fundamental strategies to gain readers, especially by placing readers in interaction with the periodical and/or with other readers. The group of data also allows to set conclusions on the efficient periodical use in the formal education processes, not as planned didatic material, but as a reading vehicle, permanently legitimated by the respective priests and teachers. Though the readers escaping tactics ? such as not making use of the content according to the editors expectations ? its possible to affirm that in a general way the periodical project was accomplished. Also it was verified on the collected testiomonies that until today many readers continue reading the material produced and/or recommended by the Synod.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleA revista "O Pequeno Luterano" e a formação educativa religiosa luterana no contexto pomerano em Pelotas- RS (1931-1966)pt_BR

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