A (Re) Leitura do superendividamento no Rio Grande do Sul à luz do ‘diálogo entre as fontes do direito’: abrindo espaços para a construção de um novo (?) direito fundamental social de educação financeira
The present study focuses on financial education as a tool for indebtedness prevention and treatment. The background of the study encompasses the following: the decree 7.397 of 2010, which establishes the National Strategy of Financial Educational and the Senate’s Bill 283, which proposes changes in the Consumer Protection Code in order to improve the discipline of the credit to consumer and address the over-indebtedness prevention. After a transdisciplinary overview, in which financial education is addressed and analysed as an economic, social and legal fact, the examination of the over-indebtedness consumer profile in Rio Grande do Sul state is performed for both situations: the ones encountered in Over-indebtedness Families Support Program of Unisinos and the ones related to civil appeals of TJRS. Only through that scenario it becomes possible, in this case, to identify causes and consequences of over-indebtedness. As a result, substantial considerations about financial education are also raised, once the profiles found in case studies showed relevant differences between them. Therefore, through the dialogue between the sources of Law, the study aims to suggest the rereading of over-indebtedness and the construction of a new fundamental right to the financial education.Nenhuma