Análise da aplicação de ferramentas de P+L em uma empresa de tintas imobiliárias
In recent years, the housing paint industry has been developing as a function of the civil construction market growing. As a consequence of this and also from environmental agencies and market pressure it has been observed the need of environmental impacts mitigation of the waste generation from its productive processes. If the environmental problems are evaluated before their occurrence, it will be possible to avoid toxic emissions and effluents, solid waste generation and wasted resources. So, some environmental management methodologies are incorporated in the production system, such as cleaner production program, defined by UNIDO/UNEP -United Nations Industrial Development Organization/United Nations Environmental Program, a United Nation agency. This work explores the application of the cleaner production (CP) program tools in the Kresil Tintas Ltda company. The production processes were evaluated, identifying their environmental aspects and impacts. In this way, several opportunities were suggested and some implemented to reduce impacts and proposing the continuation of the concepts of cleaner production. The present work identified the causes of pollution and solution in terms of minimization of waste generation concerning the environmental and economical point of view. The suggested opportunities were based on, for example, good housekeeping, process modification, and internal recycling. It was determined 8 implemented actions, one as CP level 1, five both level 1 and 2, and two belonged to level 2. Eight actions were also suggested, which were classified as level 1 (seven) and level 2 (one). These results show clearly the possibility of environmental impact reduction in the production process of the company.Nenhuma