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dc.contributor.advisorForster, Marí Margarete dos Santos
dc.contributor.authorMonteiro, Francisca Ocilma Mendes
dc.description.abstractThe resolution of the CNE/CP nº 2 of 2002, which specifies the Practice as Curricular Component (PCC), is imposed and challenges teacher’s trainers. To understand these practical activities, which develop in the Undergraduate courses, this investigative work, inserted in the field of research on teacher education, aimed to investigate the pedagogical practice in the form of curricular component of the Degree course in biology of the IFPI campus Floriano, postulating these randomized 400 h check of MCP in the pedagogic project of the course and, with this in mind, understand whether these activities are elements articulators between theory and practice and qualifiers of initial formation and the (future) teachers' action. The research undertaken was based on a qualitative approach, configuring itself as a case study. To understand the object under investigation, it was necessary to use various instruments, such as: document analysis, inorder to know how the 400 h of PCC are contemplated in the pedagogical project of the course; semi-structured interview with three teachers of the fourth period of that course; focus group with five students of that period, to collect their contributions; to collect their contributions; and free observation, recorded in the form of field not es, an event called "seminar of contextualization". The main theorists who paved the way this study were: García (1999); Rivers (2010); Wedge (1989, 1998.2008); Lucarelli (2009); Freire (1996); Sousa Santos (1987); and others. Among the main results, reveal that the pedagogic project of the course investigated meets and surpasses the anticipated workload in the above-mentioned Resolution; the set of activities, (including contextualization seminar), developed and experienced, with the hours of the PCC, in the course of training, licensing, seeking own way promoting a cl oser relationship between theory and practice, in which teachers and students are protagonists of this do; such practices also promote rapprochement of the former institution with basic education; and, how are designed and carried out, in this context, better qualify teachers' initial formation.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectFormação de professorespt_BR
dc.titleA prática como componente curricular na formação de professores do curso de licenciatura em Biologia do IFPI campus Florianopt_BR

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