Recursos intangíveis e o desempenho econômico financeiro das empresas com ações listadas na BM&FBOVESPA.
This research presents the results of an empiric study about intangible resource² grounded on the theory of Resources and Capacity – Resource-Based View of the Firm (RBV). The objective was to analyze if there is any relation between the investments of intangible resource and the performance economic-financial of companies from Electric and Financial sectors, the ones with shares listed on BM&FBOVESPA. The Value Added Intellectual Coefficient – VAIC™ was used as a methodological approach, as add value coefficient of the intangible resource, proposed by Pulic (2000). The evidence analysis was made in three samples. The first sample was composed by 137 companies, corresponding to two years of evidences. The second one was composed by 23 companies of the electric sector, with eight years of evidences. And the third sample was composed by 21 financial companies, with eight years of evidences. It was used the ordinary least square with panel data. The first analyzes did not present any statistically significant results, so it was not possible to explain relation between intangible resource and financial-economic performance of the companies. The results were statistically significant on the electrical and financial sector’s samples. It was verified that financial and human capital are more explicative than the structural capital for companies’ economic-financial performance.Nenhuma