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dc.contributor.advisorJunges, José Roque
dc.contributor.authorNora, Carlise Rigon Dalla
dc.description.abstractThis study addresses to the theme of humanization in health care, which has been part of the political agenda of health in Brazil since 2003. The National Humanization Policy (NHP) coincides with the very principles of the public Brazilian Health System (SUS), highlighting the need of securing full attention in health care for the population as well as strategies to increase people’s conditions to rights and citizenship. Such policy is based on the principles of transverseness and indissolubility between the attention and the management, and the leading role, co-responsibility and autonomy of the individuals and the collective involved in the process of producing health. The present study had the objective of debating the practices in the humanization of primary health care in the public Brazilian health system (SUS) under the three principles of the National Humanization Policy (NHP). In order to achieve such a goal, we have done a systematic review of the literature followed by a Meta-Synthesis using the following databases: BDENF- Nursing database, BDTD- Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, BVS- Theme area of Humanization, BVS-Psi-Brasil- Virtual Library in Psychology and Health, CATHEDRA- Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations of UNESP, CINAHL- Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, DEDALUS- Global- São Paulo University’s Library Integrated System, LILACS- Latin-American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, LUME- Digital Repository of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, MEDLINE- International Literature in Health Sciences, PAHO- Panamerican Health Organization Library, PubMed- U.S.National Library of Medicine, SBU- System of Libraries of UNICAMP, SciELO-Scientific Electronic Library Online and SiBI- Library and Dissertations System of UFRJ. Included herein were articles of research, case studies, reports of experiences, dissertations, theses, and book chapters, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, published from the beginning of the policy; hence, from 2003 to 2011.Each study was read, and the main characteristics were arranged in a tool for the collection of data. We included 40 studies form the 4.127 publications found on the subject. As results of the Meta-Synthesis, three main categories were identified: the first one referring to the organization and infrastructure of primary health care; the second one encompasses the work process in primary health care; and the third one being about the technologies of relations. Meta-Synthesis can be considered an essential tool for one to experience the humanization practices in primary health care, which put in perspective the need for user, professionals, and managers to make even bigger efforts as to the implementation of NHP in Strategies for Family health and Health Centers as a whole.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectHumanização da assistênciapt_BR
dc.subjectHumanization of assistanceen
dc.titlePolítica de humanização na atenção básica: uma metassíntesept_BR

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