Inovação no Hospital Mãe de Deus: um projeto de design estratégico para fidelização do corpo clínico
The objective of this dissertation was to evaluate the contributions that a context of Open Innovation could add to a strategical project of design focused on the development of new services to the medical public of the Hospital Mãe de Deus, in Porto Alegre. For this purpose, it was made a qualitative evaluation of the studied project, describing, understanding and interpreting facts and phenomena through the method of action research, to associate the social research with the collaborative and participatory action. The research task was constituted of two fronts of work and data collection: the first, scientific-technical, consisting of documentary research techniques and semistructured interviews, made a detailed search of data inherent to the practices and strategies of the institution directed to the problem of analyze, and collected perceptions of diverse actors, both internal and external to the hospital institution, on the studied phenomenon that had not been captured in the documentary analysis; and the second one, scientific-design based, acted in a practical way in the scene of the research, seeking an experiential approach of the ideal sense of creating value by innovation, through the use of capabilities inherent to the Strategic Design knowledge models. The results show that the Hospital Mãe de Deus presents a context where it is observed the open innovation in a practical way, allowing the entrance of external resources to generate value to its business, but still lacking processes which make such practice conscientious and that encourage the use of the tacit knowledge of the internal staff, allowing its dissemination beyond the medical-assistencial area. The results also indicate that the institution explores determining factors for the success of projects of development of new services, including the willingness of the leadership in searching new looks and external sources to contribute with unique solutions, stimulating favorably the management of the assistencial and economic models on which it is supported. The design of a new service conducted by strategic design found, in the exercise of the open innovation of this institution, a favorable environment so that its practices could be made compatible. Thus, the logic of making characteristic of strategic design and that gives form to the strategy elaborated by the company, is strengthened next to a situation of open innovation that makes room for a possible execution of the concepts and services projected.Nenhuma