dc.description.abstract | This paper approaches the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, which must obey the restrictions on vehicle capacity and time windows for customer service. To solve this problem will be used two metaheuristics, Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithms, and are developed an hybrid algorithm based on this two metaheuristics. The aim is to contribute with the development of a Hybrid Algorithm focused on Vehicle Routing Problem that uses the Tabu Search intensification power and the Genetic Algorithms diversification power, in order to obtain good quality solutions without compromising the computational time. In the experiments, with respect to Tabu Search, we analyze the search process by varying the size of the Tabu List and the maximum number of iterations without improvement in objective function value, such as stopping criterion, applied to an intensification policy. For the genetic algorithm are analyzed the influence and the search behavior on the basis of three crossover operators, applied to two elitism policies. Still, for the hybrid algorithm, we analyze the impact of the Tabu List size and rates of mutation and crossover. Finally, the results are compared with the best heuristics in the literature and with exact methods, where the Hybrid Algorithm shows robust, getting several optimal solutions. | en |