Entre o pensar ser, o pensar e o ser. Um estudo sobre a pré disposição de professores prospectivos à subversão
This study is a doctorate thesis contextualized in a scenery of need for significant changes in the pedagogical practices taking place in classrooms around Brazil. The objective was to set light uponteacher training courses, as they could represent the place where such changes should be being sowed. The thesis assumed the perspective of Critical Meaningful Learning for Humanization as the most appropriate approach for shaping the paths for quality education and consequently social improvements in Brazil. The study collected and analyzed social representations of students of undergraduate teacher training courses as way of trying to identify movements of conservation and subversion guiding performance in the classroom. It used concept maps to do so. The methodology was innovative in itself for it involved a questionnaire which consisted of a designed map on “What does a good student do?” according to the conservation framework and another one according to the subversion framework. Subjects were invited to interpret, answer questions about and redesign the maps as they wished, so thatthey reflected their own representations. Results show that, due to a possible lack of reflective habit or ability, students tended to agree with the maps proposed no matter the content. Such was considered an attitude of predominant conservation, which would be in accordance to a representation of “goodstudent” that still carries the tone of the student experience of theses prospective teachers. A representation where inertial forces of conservation are still strong and don’t seem much affected by training, leading to potential conservation after so, in class as in service teachers.Nenhuma