Em busca do tesouro: inserção profissional e inclusão digital nas trajetórias de egressos/integralizados de um curso de Técnico em Informática - PROEJA
The research aims to contribute to the consolidation theoretical field that relates Youth and Adult and Vocational Education. The trajectories of students (the compulsory internship process) from computer technician PROEJA of IF (Instituto Federal Sul-Rio-Grandense) - Charqueadas Campus -were analyzed. The key concepts of the thesis are: digital inclusion, employability and careers. The aim of the research was to analyze the process of professional integration of former students in the course of computer technicians, EJA mode, considering in particular the training received in the course and digital inclusion of the same from ccupational histories, seeking approaches to the theoretical frameworks that relates Employment and Education. The research problem was: what are the places of digital inclusion in the technical training trajectories of youth and adults PROEJA for their employment as technicians in IT today? We also produced the following research questions: 1) What are the places of digital inclusion in the professional integration trajectories of young people and adults? 2) What are the relationships between training in PROEJAs technicalcourses and the demands of the labor market perceived by graduates of the course? Interviews were conducted with the coordinator of the course and four graduates, and analysis of PROEJAs Base document. From the research performed, it was revealed that students had discontinuous trajectories, and were not included digitally. From the trainingreceived can be said that students are in the process of digitalinclusion, and the education received relates positively in theircareers, creating better opportunities for employability and digital inclusion.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior SETEC - Secretaria de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica