Governança corporativa em mantenedoras de instituições de ensino superior privado
The education segment in Brazil is going by an intense transformation process, in which a fort growth is observed in the competition, besides a fort movement of coalitions and acquisitions, making the issue of management became even more important. Thus, the present study has as objective investigates the practices of Corporate Governança in maintainer of Private Higher Education Institutions in Brazil. The research was accomplished with the use of questionnaires, answered by 37 leaders of maintainer of Higher Education Institutions, and these were grouped in two administrative categories: profit and nonprofit institutions. This research has as descriptive characteristic to be on the objectives and, predominantly quantitative, as to the approach to the problem. For the data analysis was used, mainly, descriptive statistics. The practices of governance investigated, were based on the recommendations of the Code of Best Practices of Corporate Governance IBGC, of which were discussed: the Council of Administration, Management, Independent audit, supervisory board and conduct and conflict of interests. In general, research data indicate a low adoption of the recommendations of Best Practices of Corporate Governance, especially in maintainer institutions nonprofit making.Nenhuma