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dc.contributor.advisorMoraes, Carlos Alberto Mendes
dc.contributor.authorPires, Daniel Canello
dc.description.abstractThe foundry industry contributes to society by meeting the demand of production and recycling of metal parts, but has a range of environmental aspects by using significant quantities of raw materials extracted from the environment and produces a series of wastes that generate contaminants resulting environmental impacts. Thus, it becomes necessary to develop indicators of environmental quality and process that summarize the organizational situation reflecting barriers and bottlenecks which can prevent the development of environmentally appropriate process for obtaining castings. In this dissertation was used as study object a small foundry industry with a program of Cleaner Production (CP) implemented. The present work has as objective assessment of the production process of this company with the intent to quantify and qualify the movement of the main materials and energy along the CP improvements implemented, considering the reinsertion in the same process, noting how the CP tools can enhance and facilitate the use of materials and what the environmental and economic benefits involved. In this way the study aimed to develop indicators that show the benefits of implementing the CP methodology and its relationship with other complementary tools for sustainability within the concept of Industrial Ecology, being able to both reduce consumption of raw materials and waste generation, and to add value to the waste inherent to the process. The main results are the proposed indicators that allowed subsidize discussions about the progress of the partnership company / research group and the sustainability of the casting process in question. While the company segregated and qualified their waste, turned them into product and byproduct to use them in your own production system, has added value difficult to measure, but extremely significant because it involved the use of these materials from a production process to replace the consumption of natural resources, thus reducing pressure on natural ecosystems and increasing the recyclability of their materials and productivity of your process.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectGestão ambientalpt_BR
dc.subjectEnvironmental managementen
dc.titleImplementação do programa de produção mais limpa em uma indústria de fundição de pequeno portept_BR

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