Ostracodes cretáceos (Turoniano-Maastrichtiano) da Bacia do Pará-Maranhão : aspectos taxonômicos, paleoecológicos e paleobiogeográficos
This work presents the results of the taxonomic study of the Turonian-Maastrichtian marine ostracodes of Pará-Maranhão Basin, their palaeoenvironmental responses and paleobiogeographical distribution. The 65 studied samples are from two wells: the 1-MAS-16 (3552-4990 m, Turonian-Maastrichtian) and the 1-MAS-12 (2145-2685 m, Campanian-Maastrichtian). 841 specimens were recorded, identified in 61 species, belonging to 30 genera and 13 families. The identified species were: Macrocypris longana Bold, 1960; Bairdoppilata cespedesensis (Bold, 1946); Isocythereis carlsbardensis Holden, 1964; Protobuntonia numidica Grekoff, 1954; Loxoconcha safeni Sarr, 1998; Krithe cushmani Alexander, 1929; Paracypris cf. P. gracilis (Bosquet, 1854); Ovocytheridea cf. O. aegyptiaca Morsi, 2000; Cytheropteron cf. C. brasiliensis Fauth et al., 2005; Xestoleberis aff. X. minuta Holden, 1964; 51 species were left in open nomenclature and 11 taxa remained indeterminate. Cytherella, Krithe and Bairdoppilata were the most diversified genera, with seven, six and five species, respectively. Sea level changes are reflected in the faunistic association, showing low diversity and abundance during the Turonian-Santonian. In the other hand, in the lower Maastrichtian, there is a significant increase in the number of specimens and species, possibly as a consequence of a regressive event. From the characteristics of the association and the literature revision it was possible to infer a shallow environment for both wells. In the paleoecological analysis, the expressive presence of Platycopina and their association with disaerobic levels was also discussed, concluding that there was no relation to oxygen levels, due to the presence of a large number of species. The attempt to link the lithology to the occurrence of taxa had no significative results, possibly due to the sampling type (ditch cuttings). Throughout the paleobiogeographical study faunal affinities have been established for the Senonian, with the Northwest Africa and the Caribbean region.CENPES - Centro de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Américo Miguez de Mello