Agressor conjugal: uma compreensão psicanalítica
This masters thesis addresses the issue of violence within intimate personal relationships and, especially, the comprehension of the mental processes of men who batter. It take as theoretical references the psychoanalytic theory of object relations, the characteristics of object relations and emotional ties established with other men involved in marital violence. This research was conducted in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The participants were fifteen men involved in Maria da Penhas law. Data collection was performed over a period of six months and the following instruments were used: sociodemographic data sheet, interviews and BORRTI-O. The latter instrument offers four types of results or interpretation of factors, which demarcate the four modes of internalized object relations, and a numeric result. The sociodemographic data sheet was intended to describe the sample and collect life history data from the participants.Thus, based on the theory of classical authors such as Freud (1914/1996, 1930/1996) and Klein (1932/1969), and contemporary authors as Zosky (1999), Fonagy (2000) and Caligor, Diamond, Yeomans and Kernberg (2009), we sought to understand the links established earlier in life and the possible impact of these individual relationships in adulthood.Nenhuma