Através da imagem: Tarkovski, da Vinci, e a comunicação imagética no âmbito da midiatização
Throughout the image: Tarkovski, da Vinci, and the imagetic communication in the midiatization scope seeks to find forms or reasons to a supposed supremacy of the image as a mean used to communicate in the modern society. In the first part the research intends to establish basis for the communication as a cientific scope, upon wich the second part is developed considering the possibilities of the image functioning as a mean throughout wich it reproduces that what wants to refer. The scene of the movie The Sacrifice in wich A. Tarkovski shoots a piece of the painting Adoration of the magi, by L. da Vinci attends as an object to discuss the use of the image in this role, to conclude that image with the effect of real would insure more the enunciation position of who expresses something throughout the transparent image than authentificate what it shows image use that would be a form or reason of its alleged predominance.Nenhuma