Circulação de saberes sobre jornalismo na sociedade em midiatização
This thesis seeks to elaborate the phenomenon of circulation of knowledges about Journalism in the mediatization of society, especially as regards the understanding of linkages between established circuits and communicational flows more tentatives of practice and criticismo journalistic. To this end, experiments of journalistic practices (production of blogs and sites by amateur and appropriation of news in social networks) and the experiences of journalistic criticism (circulation of academic texts and experts in Journalism on the Internet) are observed. From the analysis of these cases, that are observed only in its features that it work to the phenomenon, we seek to apprehend relations (affectations, promises and expectations) between circuits and communicational flows of practice and criticism journalistic in the mediatization of society. The theoretical frameworks that work these observables are mediatization's perspectives specially developed by Braga (2006, 2012a, 2014). As for journalistic practice, this thesis produces inferences about the ability of amateurs to dominate media logics and create their own spaces of production of meanings and narratives about the world, apart from, but also in relation to major media. About journalistic criticism, the inferences produced reveal a scenario in which academics circuits established are closed between the researchers themselves, while comunicational flows of criticism about the production of the major media are exercised, in a dispersed and attempt manner, in the networks social. In both lines of analysis - of the practical and the criticism journalistic - we can saw that knowledges about the Journalism are circulating in the mediatization of society, regardless of the performance of academic or professional circuits.Nenhuma