Assédio moral e violência psicológica: perspectiva dos trabalhadores em serviços de saúde filiados ao Sindisáude Passo Fundo, RS e região
This study examines the understanding that workers employed in health services have on mobbing in the workplace. It is an exploratory study of qualitative and quantitative approach. It was carried out in the Sindisaúde - Union of Employees in Institutions of Health, including health workers in Passo Fundo and other cities of the region. The data were obtained by two instruments: a semistructured interview with socioeconomic and demographic profile and experiences of violence at work, and a questionnaire to describe the harassment. Participated in the survey 13 professionals, among Nursing Technicians, Nursing Assistants, Cleaning Assistants and Assistants for the Kitchen. The data were processed by the analysis of thematic content and simple statistical calculations. It was identified that the understanding of mobbing at work, for the participants in the study, was based on two main axes: 1) experiences that were called inadequately of mobbing (76.92%), that included management practices by injury, managemenNenhuma