A contribuição dos sistemas de informação para a estruturação do planejamento estratégico, sob a perspectiva das cinco forças de Porter
This research aimed to determine if the organizations make use of Information Systems to provide their managers, within the knowledge sharing concept, with qualitative and quantitative environmental information in order to outline the the strategic planning, in the perspective of Porter’s Five Competitive Forces. In order to accomplish this objective, a survey was carried out via internet, with a group of closed questions ranked by Likert’s scale. This research instrument was answered by 127 controllers working at companies selected in 2006’s Maiores e Melhores edition of Exame S/A Magazine. Six Factors were taken into consideration in the conception of the questionnaire, for later data analysis: Controllership and Information Technology, Customers, Suppliers, Competitive Rivalry, Substitute Products, Entry of New Competitors. For being an applied research, a quantitative approach was implemented to support the qualitative study, which covered the descriptive and inferential (Spearman’s correlation), multivNenhuma