Estudo sobre o nível de aderência à NBC T 10.19 de entidades beneficentes de assistência social, mantenedoras de instituições de ensino superior no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul: um enfoque na evidenciação contábil
The Brazilian Accounting Standards suggest that non profit making organizations should publish their account figures and complement these with information in explanatory notes. Working from this fact this study has been developed with the objective of demonstrating the degree of compliance to the accounting standards and the specific regulations concerning philanthropy and higher education of the Social Welfare Providing Entities (Entidades Beneficentes de Assistência Social) - EBAS that are active in higher education in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The study required exploratory research, given that its goal was to provide a better understanding of the subject studied. To this end the data required for analysis was collected from the published accounting figures for the year 2004 and tabulated with the intent of identifying the obligatory evidencing conforming to item of the Brazilian Accounting Standards T 10.19, which also constituted documentary research. After the analysis of the data it wasNenhuma