Configuração e coordenação nas cadeias globais de suprimentos não tradicionais no setor calçadista do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
The most of shoes companies located at the Sinos River Valley in the state of Rio Grande do Sul exports indirectly. They usually depend on sales agents to sell their products abroad. Recently, some companies are seeking others alternatives for this traditional orientation in their international sales. This thesis analyzes three cases of different configurations in the shoe global supply chain and their results for the companies. We studied the cases of Via Uno, Bibi Shoes and Wirth Calçados. These three companies have plants in the Sinos River Valley. We used as theoretical basis Gereffi (1994), Rabellotti (2003), Paiva, Carvalho and Fensterseifer (2004), Gereffi, Humphrey and Sturgeon (2005) and Shen (2005). The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the different configuration alternatives in global supply chain developed by those companies. We used a multiple case studies approach. Interviews with executives from the three companies and secondary data were the data used in the analysis. . The study idNenhuma