De leitores a conselheiros - estudo de caso: o conselho do leitor do jornal Zero Hora
In the present historical moment we are living, the search for knowledge and information about what is happening in our neighborhood, city, country or even ever part of the world, seems to be running along with our basic needs. To be informed, seems to add some social status to people, a value for being “inside the news”. The media, specially the daily newspapers, now start to assume the position of commodity. To improve the media quality and keep its social responsibility, Press Councils appeared, opening space to its audience to raise quality. From this point on, this research consists in a study in the Reader’s Council of the Zero Hora newspaper, the most important newspaper in the State of Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil, to describe and to analyze the dynamics operations of this Council, observing if it interferes or not on the elaboration process of the newspaper’s editions. Looking through this theme, the need of using many evidence sources appeared (participating/collaborative observation, semi-structureNenhuma