Nas veias do jornalismo, a política: resistência à ditadura no Informação
This thesis deals with two Journals: Political Information Weekly (Semanário de Informação Política (Ijuí, October, 1975 – April, 1976)and Information Journal (Jornal Informação (Porto Alegre, July, 1976 – January, 1977), as components of one case of alternative press, aligned with the resistance to the dictatorship. The investigation was carried out based on the interpretive analysis of 22 issues of the Semanário de Informação Política and 23 issues of Jornal Informação, as well as through interviews with people that worked in the financing, production, discussion and distribution of the two weeklies. Through comparisons, verification of singularities and general characteristics, and an analysis oriented by the theoretic references utilized, the argument was constructed that the alternative press, although with strong connections to the political arena, contributed to the affirmation in the mediatic realmUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos