O, profe, esse daí é o ponto de interrogação!: a co-construção da narrativa em uma sala de aula bilíngue
This study is part of a bigger project that studies the construction of narratives at home and at school, entitled The co-construction of narratives at home and at school. This part of the project, however, is concerned with the way narratives are co-constructed specifically in schools. It amais at analyzing the students’ interactions and the co-construction of narratives between teachers and students during book reading moments in English. It analyzes the students’ interactions and the way they get the floor to co-narrate the story, which leads to a more democratic participant structure in the classroom. In this qualitative and observational study, book reading (storytelling) moments have been recorded and then transcribed according to the conventions proposed by Jefferson (1984), translated and adapted by Schnack, Pisoni e Ostermann (2005). The recordings were made with a group of 18 students, who study in the second grade of a Bilingual Curriculum School, during moments in which the teacher told them stNenhuma