Ação e reflexão docente: contribuições para os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem da linguagem escrita no contexto de uma turma de progressão
This study is the result of an educational action developed in a school in the suburbs of Porto Alegre, which aimed sutdents’ alphabetization who could neither learn to read nor write in regular groups for the most different reasons (FRANTZ, 2004). Because of those difficulties, the students joined a Progression Group (PG) in 2004. In this context, I participated as a teacher and a researcher, since, besides playing the role of reference teacher, acting in the teaching/learning process, I also exercised an investigative attitude, analyzing teaching practice reports and texts written by the students as well as reflecting about the educational action developed. For the accomplishment of this study, some methodological strategies which helped in the recognition of the interests and needs of the children in this specific Progression Group were reviewed. The analysis of the strategies and its results contributed to the reflection about the importance of the teacher’s methodology in the promotion of the students’Nenhuma